Ever wondered how to sing like Celine Dion?
Celine Marie Claudette Dion has been a musical sensation throughout most of her career.
However, her fame only saw its peak after her famous work in Titanic.
Her song “My Heart Will Go On” is celebrated even today and strongly associated with the singer’s name.
Nonetheless, there are plenty of other songs that Celine Dion has sung over the years, slowly making her way into the hearts of millions of fans worldwide.
If you have heard her songs, it is probably not a big surprise to you that Celine Dion is an excellent singer with a mesmerizing voice.
But is her voice and singing style replicable?
Many people want to sing like Celine Dion.
However, only some are successful.
Because they miss noticing the details.
Today, we’ll discuss all of those important details about the way Celine sings and how you can sing just like her!
Related: Check out this article I wrote showing you how to sing like Chris brown
What Does Celine Dion Sound Like?

According to the New York Times and several other music experts, Dion has a very intense voice.
Her voice is thin, smooth, and slightly nasal.
She can easily sustain extended, longer notes, and generate smart melisma.
She can make the smoothest transitions from pop music to sentimental, and slow songs.
Her voice moves ever so smoothly as she transitions from whispers to high notes.
It has immense power, and you can feel it as she goes higher up the scale!
Celine Dion’s Vocal Range
When we talk about Celine Dion’s vocal range, there are several different kinds of speculations about it.
While some sources argue that she has a five-octave voice range, others think it’s not true.
According to them, Celine has a vocal range of three octaves, and she can only reach the notes from five; that’s it!
For the most part, she is known to have the highest voice note of G#7, while the lowest one is F2.
She also has a note extension period of 15 seconds.
Overall, it would be best if you had a vocal range of at least three notes and 3 octaves to replicate the way Celine Dion sings.
The singer can hold resonances for extended periods without messing up her pitch.
She penetrates the higher notes quite effortlessly, while venturing in almost every register to maintain the fullness in her voice.
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Her Vocal Type
Dion’s vocal type is lyric Soprano.
The Soprano represents female singing voices that lie on the highest levels.
On the musical scale, this vocal type generally lies between the middle C and high C.
However, a typical soprano is closer to High C rather than the middle one.
Now, even though Celine Dion might be able to phonate notes further than the C scale, a singer’s vocal type or vocal range is determined by their voice’s comfort zone.
This comfort zone withholds all the pitches and notes the singer can generate without their voice trembling, going out of tune, or becoming sore.
In order to be more precise, Dion is a mezzo-soprano.
A mezzo-soprano singer can successfully phonate lower end’s notes, some octaves lower than middle C.
So, if you’re trying to replicate the way Celine sings, focus on the lower notes.
Her Accent
Interestingly enough, Celine has a distinctive yet subtle French accent in her signing.
While some people might fail to notice this, you can quickly point it out if you listen carefully.
However, the way she communicates her lyrics also has a nasal quality.
The singer hits the lower range while keeping the larynx neutral.
She only raises the larynx when she has to hit belts above Eb-5. After A5-C6, she slowly blends in an inconsistent manner, which is why the belts start to become thin and heady.
If you do not know what ‘belting’ is?
It is commonly known as powerhouse singing, which is a popular vocal style that you can spot easily in Broadway singing.
The belting technique provides a “mirage” that your chest voice is shifting up to the head.
Professional singers, such as Celine herself, know how to blend the chest voice and head voice seamlessly and create pressure-free tones.
The chest voice comes out from your chest, and you usually use it to talk to people casually.
The sound that comes from your head is much lighter, and people use it when they sing softly.
Remember: Your vocal range does not decide whether you can belt; you can sing powerfully regardless.
When you’re trying to belt, keep your singing posture in check.
Make sure you can breathe adequately, take lots of practice, and you can achieve the belting technique even if you’re an alto.
How Celine Dion Keeps Her Sound in Check
When Celine was 20 years old, the doctors diagnosed her with nodes (polyps) on the vocal cords.
Soon after, the singer started taking lessons to maintain her singing abilities and protect her cords against the damage.
These lessons also helped her refine her singing skills, sing in a wide range, and belt easily.
So, if you’re trying to replicate the way Celine Dion sings, you must learn the basic techniques first.
These include breathing, removing tension from the throat, and perfecting your jaw position, etc.
According to the singer herself, she does many things to make sure her voice stays in shape.
A few of these remedies include drinking lukewarm water, staying away from cigarette smoke and air conditioning, and warming up the vocals through exercises before every show and practice.
Some Classic Celine Dion Songs to Try:
If you’re going to try and sing like Dion, here are a few of her classic songs that you can try to mimic:
- My Heart Will Go On (obviously!)
- The Power Of Love
- I Drove All Night
- It’s All Coming Back To Me
- Because You Loved Me
- I’m Alive
- Best Of All
- If You Asked Me To
Celine Dion has immense musical and singing talent; there is no doubt about that.
Her skills and work is recognized worldwide, and gain appreciation from everyone who listens to her.
Her fan following comes from every country and every age group.
The reason behind this success is her intense and powerful voice with complete control over her vocal cords.
So, can you replicate the way she sings?
Yes, you can.
Pay primary focus on her accent, her nasal quality, the way she achieves higher and lower notes, and practice, practice, practice!
Related: Check out this article I wrote showing you how to sing like Courtney Love
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